Marsh marigolds are one of the first bog plants that will appear in your pond in the spring. Little yellow flowers with dark green leaves. Here is a picture of how you can plant them around your pond right in the rocks around your pond, bog area, along edges of your waterfall or in a moist to wet boggy area. When you first receive the plant it will come in a 2" net pot. Take it carefully out of the net pot and plant directly into a rock area in your pond pushing the roots gently in the rocks to stablize. The marsh marigold only needs to have its roots moist but can tolerate water up to 2" above its pot.
If potted in a pot plant as you would a tropical lily directly in the center of the pot and not covering the crown of the plant.
Even though the marsh marigold will only flower in the early spring, it may bloom again in areas with cool summers. If in a warmer climate, the leaves will remain green throughout the season, except where summers are exceptionally hot, the leaves sometimes die back and will return in the fall when temperatures cool off. In cooler climates they tend to grow from spring through fall. Hardy to zone 4.