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    This picture was sent to us from a customer.  It would only make sense that we would have a lot of pictures of Dragonflies.  Dragonflies, I believe bring good luck.  They are a symbol of transformation and life's ever-constant process of change. Change.....we seem to be hearing that a lot lately.  I could spend hours sitting by my pond watching dragonflies, as they are so amazing, how quickly they can land in on a pond plant, change flight patterns and sparkle in the sunlight. 

    Dragonflies are usually always found around your pond eating small insects and mosquitoes helping to control the population of harmful insects.  Their larvae, known as "nymphs" are aquatic.

    Plants that one may put in their water feature to attract dragonflies and damselflies would be rushes and sedges that rise up above the water surface, that provide a perch for them.  Horsetail rush, cattails, zebratails and other long stemmed sedges and rushes are good for this.  Try to keep them away from fast moving water or waterfalls.  They prefer calming waters.   These type of plants also give the juveniles a place to crawl up when they emerge from the water.  By putting other water plants such as marsh marigolds, ludwigia, arrowheads, and irises etc. it gives them a place to lay their eggs.  Lay some bright colored flat rocks around the edges of your pond for the dragonflies and damselflies to sit on.   To encourage them to hang around your water garden try planting other wildflowers around your pond.  You'll not only attract dragonflies but will also attract butterflies and hummingbirds. 

    We chose the name Dragonfly Aquatics because of the beauty and symbolism of the dragonfly.  What better way to describe the enjoyment one gets from their water garden.
