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    Busy Season

    Well our busy season is upon us and we're excited about the plants we're sending.  We have several new pond plants this year.  A couple new lotus, waterlilies and bog plants.  Check them out at our store,  I often get questions about whether to use water lettuce or water hyacinths as floaters in the […]

    Spring & New Water Lilies

    I'm not certain what happened to Spring here but I think it may have been here but we missed it......yesterday little snow flakes were appearing and in a couple days its going to be in the 70s.  What's up with that??? But even though we're all anxious for the weather to turn nice so we […]

    Spring is starting to bud....

    With spring upon us its important to check on your fish.  Its a critical time for them when they start coming out of dormancy.  They are more likely to become vulnerable to illness unless proper steps are taken.   When coming out of dormancy their bodies are low on the important nutrients needed to help ward of diseases.  […]

    New Lotus for Dragonfly

    Signs of spring 2011.  We're excited about the new lotus we have this year.  We try to add one or two new a year.  The new lotus for Dragonfly Aquatics are great lotus for those smaller ponds and containers.  The Green Maiden and and Snow White.  But sorry no Seven Dwarfs.  The flowers on the Green Maiden change […]


    Well I think Spring is just around the corner.  Usually once the Robins return to northern Ohio its almost here.  I saw them last week drinking water out of the waterfall......there was still alot of ice and snow on the pond.  I thought they were a little early and probably cold.    Other signs of spring are […]

    so so busy

    shoveling snow....ugh.  Just when you think the winter is coming to a close, mother nature says hold on I"m not finished yet with winter.  We just had another 6 inches of snow and some ice.  Its back to feeding the birds and wondering what happened to those robins I seen a couple weeks back.  They […]

    February Thaw

      What great weather we have had here in Ohio the last few days. Such a relief to have all the snow and ice melted and behind us for now. I'm trying to not get too exited. A cold front is approaching and we will be back to freezing this weekend. Nice while it lasted […]

    ice and more ice

    Its ice everywhere.....but at least its February so its almost over.   I will say its a pretty site but I still prefer the green color over the white!  I look outside and imagine pictures like this...     The plants continue to grow nicely in the greenhouses and while standing in there you almost can […]


       New this year for Dragonfly Aquatics and will be added to our store. A floating, rootless aquatic fern that floats just below the water surface producing a pair of floating or emergent leaves that are green in color and oblong in shape. They have a third leaf that is brown in color and dangles underwater […]

    another year

        Well the holidays are over, the tree is down and all the holiday christmas decorations are put away.  I could probably leave my christmas tree up for months as I always miss it once its put away.  Its hard to imagine the room is exactly like it was a month ago because it […]